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Australian Academy Of Music And Performing Arts (AMPA) Graduate Diploma of Music (Performance)
Australian Academy Of Music And Performing Arts (AMPA)

Graduate Diploma of Music (Performance)

Surry Hills, Австралія

1 Years


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AUD 17 600 *

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* Domestic students, total course fee. Fee help available.


The two-semester Graduate Diploma of Music, which is nested in the Masters programme, is designed to enhance the knowledge base, strengthen the performance skills, and reinforce the teaching and organisational abilities of persons who, having successfully completed an undergraduate degree or without qualifications, have achieved a high level of skills and recognition in the field of professional performance. The inclusion of the two graduate seminar units and elective units will be important for students choosing to move into the profession in the areas of performance, composition and songwriting, studio teaching, and music retail and distribution at the completion of this two Trimester programme. Should they choose to proceed into the Master's programme, these units will have prepared them for the successful completion of the units offered in the second year of that course.


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